Berry Berry Christmas Shower Gel

IMG_3123.jpgAfter attending the Lush Creative Showcase in London earlier this month, I came home with stacks of new products to try. Berry Berry Christmas was one of the products I was most excited to try after seeing it all over Instagram and Facebook. This year, Lush have really pulled out the stops when it comes to the shower section and Christmas. There are six limited edition shower gels/creams, two shower jellies, and three body conditioners! This is the largest shower range the company has ever launched at Christmas so all of the products need to be fantastic!

When I first smelt Berry Berry Christmas at the showcase, I wasn’t amazed. I thought the smell was pleasant but nothing special. Upon my first sniff of the product, it reminded me of the Ocean Salt scrub. The smell was very tart, almost bitter, and it had a strange citrus tang. I took the gamble on buying a bottle anyway because products can smell very different when you get them home. I’m very glad that I did!

Now when I smell this shower gel, the scent is sweeter and more well-rounded. The combination of blueberry, cranberry and bergamot created this tart gel. Many people have compared it to Plum Rain because it is slightly sour however Berry Berry Xmas is not as sweet or as citrus.

In the bottle, the shower gel looks stunning! The colour is a gorgeous dark turquoise with surplus amounts of glitter running through it. This is probably the most sparkly shower gel Lush has ever released. The gel is extremely thick, similar in consistency to Bubbly and Plum Rain, which creates a very creamy lather from very little product! After you rinse off the suds and dry off, you can still detect elements of the fragrance on your skin, making you smell super festive even though it is only September.

Overall I think that Berry Berry Christmas is a great addition to the shower gel range this year and I shall be buying another bottle, maybe even the naked version, before the season is ove.

Berry Berry Christmas Shower Gel

2 thoughts on “Berry Berry Christmas Shower Gel

  1. Thanks for reviewing this one, it’s the one i was most curious about, next to snow plum. This sg is on it’s way to me and snow plum will get here too eventually… Love plum rain so this one will be right up my alley!


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